Tick and Flea Preventives

Samira Abraham
Waggle Blog
Published in
5 min readFeb 26, 2014



Ticks and fleas are all over the place. There is no way to eradicate these blood sucking, toxin filled creatures, but as responsible pet parents we should do what we can to prevent them from getting on our dogs. Ticks and fleas breed very quickly and cause a massive infestation on your dog, your home and even on you. They feed on the dog’s blood and can cause a multitude of health problems ranging from allergic reactions, tapeworm infections, tick fever, anaemia, tick paralysis and other serious illnesses. They spread easily from one dog to another.


Ticks and fleas like hanging out in tall grass and shrubs, so avoid these areas. Fleas easily jump from one host to another, so avoid your dog being in contact with other dogs and cats , unless you’re positive that they are free of fleas and ticks. Make sure you have a tick and flea preventive on if your dog interacts with other dogs and animals, if your dog is in woody grassy areas and if you take travel with your dog.

There are many options available amongst the preventives. They all have their pros and cons. Do your research and use what works best for your dog.

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1. Topical Treatment : This comes in a tube and is applied on the dog’s back and is effective for a month. It is an effective parasiticide against ticks , fleas and other external parasites. The chemicals in this kills insects as soon they eat it. These contain insecticides in small doses. This treatment has to be applied monthly. Some topical treatment specially designed for dogs are toxic to cats.


2. Tick and Flea Collars: Flea and tick collars can be effective at warding off fleas and ticks, but they should never be worn by puppies or kittens. The collar has to worn 24/7 and should be removed when in water. There are also concerns about possible health risks to children and adults and other dogs in the household due to the residue from the collar. Flea collars need to be changed once in 4–6 months.


3. Pet Protector : This tick and flea preventive is free of chemicals. It is a disc 2.5 cm in diameter which is charged with scalar waves and protects the entire body of your pet, forming an impenetrable shield against fleas and ticks. Animals can’t feel these waves, because they affect only parasites. Scalar waves create an environment that parasites cannot stand and it repels the parasites before they can even attack your dog. The disc has to be on your dog 24/7 and should not removed when in water. One disc is said to be effective for 4 years. It can be used on puppies and kittens.

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4. Tick and Flea Spray : These sprays have a similar composition to that of the topical treatment. They will provide quick relief, but the downside is that they have to be more frequently applied. Special care should be taken when using sprays, as introducing the chemicals into your environment through a spray greatly increases chances of inhalation and physical contact, especially when children are present.


5. Tick and Flea Shampoo: There are many tick, flea and mite shampoos available in the market. They are usually more helpful if there is an infestation. If you do not use the other preventives, do bathe your dog with a good tick and flea shampoo once in two weeks. This has to be lathered onto your dog and kept on for 10 minutes and then rinsed off. Avoid contact with your dog’s eyes, mouth and private area.


6. Natural Remedies : These remedies don’t contain insecticides, but they may not be as effective as the other preventives. If they work for your dog, then stick to them. But do make sure you check your dog daily.Adding Apple Cider Vinegar( ACV) to your dog’s drinking water, adding a clove of garlic couple of times a week to your dog’s food, adding brewers yeast to the food is said to repel ticks and fleas.

A spray made of 1 c warm water+ 1 c ACV+ few drops of shampoo + 1 capful of neem oil is said to be effective in getting rid of ticks and fleas. Shake up the ingredients, spray, let it dry and brush out. Repeat in a few days.

In addition to the above preventives, make sure you check your dog daily, change bedding frequently and keep a clean home. If there is an infestation, get your home cleaned thoroughly.

